
Alone again, I find myself
With thoughts I’m shy to say.
I am weakened by fantasies of us
And my body whines and begs.
Why am I embarrassed,
Cursed with woman shame??
I’m the only one that knows
When my mind plays this game.
Still I turn red to think the words
My lips burn hot to say,
So I am wounded by unmet needs,
Bruised, heavy with body’s heartbreak.


***All creatures are born as sexual beings, it is only societal shame that makes us think it is not normal, not acceptable. This is especially true for women as most have been taught/told from a young age even how to sit “appropriately”, while boys get to sit however. (Though there is sexual shame surrounding men/masculinity as well.) From a young age we watch our own mothers, grandmothers, aunts, teachers go about their lives worrying how their actions and behaviors might “tease” men or be judged as “wrong” by other women. If we want to be seen/treated as equal, it needs to be in all areas… including ones that are difficult, embarrassing, or considered taboo to talk about. Desire and sexuality are only human, in men and women.


I have let the thought of “us”
Marinate for quite some time.
As this thought has sat soaking,
Bathing in dreams and fantasies,
It has only become more


Waiting for you

You started a fire
You forgot to put out,
Leaving me waiting
Flaming hot with desire.
Imagine a glimpse, a flicker
Of the flame you leave burning.
Like a candle,
Wax dripping hot beads…
My lust melts to sweat,
Fingers wet,
Soaking sheets.



I crave you,
All my wants have turned
To needs.
I burn with a flame
That is hot
Only for you,
Because only you
Have the power
To spread the fire
Tame it.


On fire

The heat between our skin
Burns of violent, sultry flames,
Sparking desire, an erotic blaze.

Our passion creates a wildfire,
Turning the sheets to ashes,
Igniting, two bodies as one,


Love unspoken

I think my mind writes to you
In love letters,
The kind no one reads
Out loud.

I feel my skin
Still tell you
Like it did
When we first met.



I love the ways our bodies
Curve into each other,
The ways our hips rhyme rhythm,
How your words sing love
To the music of us.

I love the ways our hands
Intertwine as one,
The ways we silently sew
Our hearts together,
Making promises
One whole.
